STLE 2020 Report on Emerging Issues and Trends in Tribology and Lubrication Engineering

STLE’s 2020 Report on Emerging Issues and Trends in Tribology and Lubrication Engineering builds on a multiphase research effort to evaluate current trends and predict future developments impacting the field of tribology and lubrication engineering that was published in the first two Emerging Trends reports in 2014 and 2017. Based on input from technical experts around the world, the triennial Emerging Trends Report includes a look into more recent advances and topics that have surfaced in the latest publication. 

The 70-page report summarizes key findings that are divided into two sections: (1.) Application Sectors, which provides an evaluation of leading trends in transportation, energy, manufacturing, and medical/health. Each section provides a review of the current state of major trends and technologies, coupled with results from the STLE survey that indicate the perspective of respondents towards how each trend will continue to develop in the future, and (2.) Field Issues, which provides a focus on cross-cutting areas that impact the work of tribologists and lubrication engineers. These include topics such as the health of the workforce, the cost and availability of materials, and government regulation. Finally, the report concludes with a summary of the gathered information and analysis of its implications for the field and society.

Read the Executive Summary

Thank you for your interest in the STLE 2020 Report on Emerging Issues and Trends in Tribology and Lubrication Engineering. If you need additional information or would like to request an interview or presentation of results, please contact Karl Phipps at or by calling STLE Headquarters at (847) 825-5536 (USA).

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Available in print & digital copies. Order the full report today!

Other related content:
STLE 2017 Report on Emerging Issues and Trends
STLE 2014 Report on Emerging Issues and Trends

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