Associate Editors

Associate Editors for Tribology Transactions play a critical role in the peer-review process. Working with the editor-in-chief, they decide which manuscripts are deemed acceptable for review and oversee the process, working with teams of reviewers. Papers are judged on content, scholarship, relevance, support documentation, contribution to the industry, use of language and professionalism.
Full NameCompanyCityState ProvinceCountry
Dr. Mihai ArghirInstitut Pprime-CNRS-Université De PoitiersFutuoscopeChasseneuilFrance
Dr. Vasilios BakolasSchaeffler Technologies AG & Co KG.Herzogenaurach Germany
Dr. Ewa Alice BardaszZUAL Associates in Lubrication LLCMentorOH 
Dr. Stephen BerkebileU.S. DEVCOM Army Research LaboratoryAberdeen Proving GroundMD 
Dr. Thierry A. BlanchetRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteTroyNY 
Dr. John A.R. BomidiBaker HughesThe WoodlandsTX 
Dr. Benyebka Bou-SaidINSAVALOR S.A.VilleurbanneCedexFrance
Mr. John M. BurkeRetiredConcord TownshipOH 
Dr. Neil M. CanterChemical SolutionsWillow GrovePA 
Dr. Azzedine DadoucheNational Research Council CanadaOttawaONCanada
Dr. Christopher DellaCorteThe University of AkronAkronOH 
Dr. Michael J. DubeNASA Engineering and Safety CenterDartmouthMA 
Dr. Michael T. DuggerSandia National LaboratoriesTijerasNM 
Mr. Kai FengHunan UniversityChangsha City,Hunan ProvinceYueluChina
Kanao FukudaMalaysia-Japan International Institute of TechnologyKuala Lumpur Malaysia
Dr. Benjamin J. GouldThe Chemours CompanyNewarkDE 
Dr. Aaron GrecoArgonne National LaboratoryArgonne  
Dr. Christian GreinerKarlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)Karlsruhe Germany
Dr. Hannes Grillenberger, Ph.DSchaeffler Technologies AG & Co KG.Herzogenaurach Germany
Dr. Xue HanCummins, Inc.ColumbusIN 
Cecil Fred Higgs, IIIRice UniversityHoustonTX 
Dr. Samuel Adam HowardNASAClevelandOH 
Yeau-Ren Jeng, Ph.DNational Cheng Kung UniversityTainanTaiwanTaiwan
Dr. Amir KadiricImperial College LondonLondon United Kingdom
Satish Vasu KailasIndian Institute of ScienceBangalore India
Dr. Young Sup KangSKF USA Inc.PlymouthMI 
Dr. Khashayar KhanlariUniversity of Alberta, EdmontionEdmontonABCanada
Dr. Harman S. KhareGonzaga UniversitySpokaneWA 
Oliver KochRPTU University of KaiserslauternKaiserslauternRhineland-PalatGermany
Dr. Brandon Alexander KrickFlorida State UniversityTallahasseeFL 
Dr. Alan O. LebeckMechanical Seal TechnologyAlbuquerqueNM 
Dr. Peter M. LeeSouthwest Research InstituteSan AntonioTX 
Dr. Nikhil Dnyaneshwar LondheThe Timken CompanyCantonOH 
Dr. Babak Lotfi, Ph.DExxonMobil Technology & Engineering CompanyAnnandaleNJ 
Dr. Piet M. LugtSKF Research and Technology DevelopmentHoutenUtrechtNetherlands
Dr. Filippo MangoliniThe University of Texas at AustinAustinTX 
Dr. Martin C. Marinack, Jr.Arconic, Inc.WexfordPA 
Dr. Ashlie MartiniUniversity of California MercedAtwaterCA 
Mr. Angelo MazzuUniversità Degli Studi Di BresciaBresciaLombardyItaly
Dr. Pradeep Lancy MenezesUniversity of Nevada, RenoRenoNV 
Mr. Daniel MerkSchaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KGSchweinfurt Germany
Dr. Hamidreza MohseniPratt & WhitneyAvonCT 
Dr. Guillermo E. Morales EspejelSKF Research & Technology DevelopmentNieuwegeinUtrechtNetherlands
Dr. Daniel NeliasLaMCoS INSA De LyonVilleurbanneCEDEXFrance
Mr. Jack PoleyCondition Monitoring InternationalMiamiFL 
Mr. Martin PriestUniversity of BradfordILKLEYWest YorkshireUnited Kingdom
Bart RaeymaekersVirginia TechBlacksburgVA 
Dr. Keun RyuHanyang UniversityAnsan, Gyeonggi-Do Korea
Dr. Luis A. San AndresTexas A&M University, J. Mike Walker '66 Dept of Mech EngCollege StationTX 
Dr. Thomas William ScharfUniversity of North TexasMckinneyTX 
Dr. Steven J. Shaffer, Ph.DShaffer Tribology ConsultingCampbellCA 
Mr. Steven Joseph Thrush, Ph.DUS Army DEVCOM GVSCRoyal OakMI 
Dr. Dairene UyShell Global Solutions US Inc.KatyTX 
Dr. Ariane ViatConstelliumSaint Egreve France
Fabrice VilleFacturation ‡ INSAVALOR S.A.VilleurbanneCedexFrance
Dr. Kathryn J. WahlNaval Research LaboratoryWashingtonDC 
Dr. Elaine S. Yamaguchi El CerritoCA 
Dr. Jing YangAppleRound RockTX 
Dr. Qi YangNational Research Council CanadaOttawaONCanada
Dr. Nicola ZaniDipartimento Di Ingegneria Meccanica E IndustrialVia Branze 38 Brescia Italy