Is STLE the new black?

Edward P. Salek, CAE, Executive Director | TLT Headquarters Report January 2009

We might not have the fashion status of Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren, but our brand makes a powerful statement in its own right.

STLE’s brand makes a positive statement about your personal expertise and that of your organization.

This is the month when pundits of all sorts, even those who write for a tribology magazine, like to roll out their predictions and resolutions for the New Year. Given the unpredictable state of the world economy and the almost certain lack of interest in my New Year resolutions, the moment seems right to offer a fashion tip for how to look good on the job in the coming months.

Let me explain—quickly—so I can keep you from immediately flipping the page to read something written by one of our more sober or serious contributors like Neil Canter, David Whitby or Jack Poley.

This fashion tip is based on the actual workplace experience of a dedicated and distinguished STLE member here in the Midwest. Here’s how the story goes:

Steve was attending a company-sponsored technical training seminar last fall. When the instructor, a technology expert from outside the organization, walked into the classroom he recognized the STLE logo on Steve’s windbreaker. The two did not know each other, but there was an immediate rapport based on the fact that the expert is also a long-time member, and both men hold the CLS designation. Steve was feeling pretty good about making a new business connection through the power of STLE networking.

But the story gets better. When the formal program began, the instructor’s opening comments made reference to the fact that there was another technical expert in the room. He invited Steve to jump in as desired with insights on any of the lubrication-related topics he would be covering as part of the day’s instruction. Steve’s status as one of the company’s technical experts bumped up a notch or two, thanks to being called out as an authority by someone not on the local team.

The point here is not just about wardrobes and Steve, who, incidentally, is one of the top applications-based lubrication specialists in the business. This story illustrates the power of STLE’s brand and the ability to make a positive statement about your personal expertise and that of your organization.

In an environment where everyone wants to stand out and find their edge, both as individual employees and as companies competing for business, STLE membership is one more tool that can be used to your advantage. The annual cost of renewing your membership or joining the organization is well worth the investment given the power of our brand.

So to get back to the promise of a fashion tip: What will the well-dressed tribologist or lube engineer be wearing in 2009? Think of Steve’s encounter and the answer is obvious. Brand yourself with the STLE logo and look good all year long.

You can reach Certified Association Executive Ed Salek at