
Metalworking Fluids, Microbial Contamination, Corrosion, Biofilms, Biocides


Metalworking III (Session 3K)

Non-Formaldehyde Releasing Biofilm Control Options

Metalworking fluids (MWF) provide an excellent environment for the 
growth of various types of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi. Effective microbial control is required to maintain fluid quality, tool life, and to minimize potential adverse health effects from microbial contaminants. In addition to living in the bulk fluid, microorganisms also can form biofilms. These biofilms may cause microbial induced corrosion and provide a constant source of microbial contamination. Since it is not as common to test for biofilms, they can go unnoticed for extended periods of time. This presentation will discuss formaldehyde free options for removing and controlling biofilms in metalworking fluid systems.

Authors and Company/Institution

Christine McInnis, Dow Microbial Control, Spring House, PA