
Deposit Formation Mechanism, Base stocks, Oil & Deposit Analysis, Fourier Transform Spectroscopy


Lubrication Fundamentals VII (Session 7A)

Deposit Formation from Lubricant Degradation - A Deposition Model: Part 2

A proposed new model describing deposit formation and aging along a so-called universal mass deposition curve is presented. The Penn State Micro-oxidation (PSMO) test apparatus was used to produce model deposits of various test durations to study the aging mechanism of thin film deposits. Studies of deposit forming tendencies of various lubricants in the PSMO exhibit a similar trend, an initial induction period, followed by a period of accelerated growth of deposits, then, maximum deposition followed by a terminal deposit period.

Authors and Company/Institution

Joseph M. Perez, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Sylvain-Didier Kouame, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX
Randy Vander Wal, Dept. of Energy and Mineral Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA