2019 STLE Extended Abstracts & Presentations
The technical program for the 2019 STLE Annual Meeting in Nashville featured more than 500 presentations by researchers, practitioners and students working in the field of tribology and lubrication engineering. STLE has made an effort to encourage authors to submit summaries or "Extended Abstracts" of their papers. In some cases, authors have also provided digital copies of their technical presentation slides. STLE 2019 papers listed below are available to download in the following technical categories. Additional papers will be posted, as they become available from authors that have granted STLE permission to post their materials from the meeting. Please be sure to bookmark this page to download available papers from the 2019 STLE Annual Meeting.
Authors can still submit Extended Abstracts or provide digital copies of their presentation slides to allow attendees to benefit from presentations that they might have missed or were unable to attend the Annual Meeting. For submission requirements, please click
here or email materials to Karl Phipps at